Kraemer, Lösungen mit Harz

26. April 2024

Future Day at KRAEMER

Yesterday we opened our doors to four bright minds as part of Future Day. It was inspiring to watch these young talents gain an insight into the fascinating world of our work.

During their visit, the kids had the opportunity to look behind the scenes and get to know the diversity of our professions. In our research and development department and in the laboratory, they gained insights into flame staining or observed an icing process with nitrogen. For example, they got an insight into the world of marketing during the virtual factory tour using VR glasses and of course they also visited our administration - to experience up close what a day at KRAEMER looks like.

It was not only an opportunity for the children to learn from us, but also for us to learn from them. Their curiosity and open-mindedness remind us of the importance of constantly incorporating new perspectives and fostering our creativity.

We would like to thank all those involved who made this day an unforgettable experience, especially our young guests and their families. We hope that they will go home inspired and perhaps even lay the foundation for their future career with us.

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